So when I was 12, I had the devastating news that I needed......GLASSES! It couldn't have been more worse. I has hitting that ugly duckling stage and now I needed glasses. Great! Just what a teenager with curly frizzy hair needed. I stuck it out though and by the age of 15 I begged my folks for contacts. I went in to see my trusty eye doc, which he is fantastic by the way, and he told me can have contacts.
However, they must be gas permeable contact lenses or better known as 'hard' contacts. I adjusted quite quickly to them even though they felt strange in my eyes. Many years went by and the only complaints I had on the 'hard' contacts were the following:
1. Dryness.
2. Red Eyes.
3. Hurt like heck when something got under them.
4. Little pricey but lasted a long time.
5. Flying out of my eye when dry.
6. Expensive.
7. Higher maintenance than soft.
I was just 'okay' with contacts. I could see okay with them but I wish I didn't have to have them at all. My glasses were worse to wear. I couldn't see anything. Everything was blurry so I chose 'not' to wear them unless I was at home. Due to my astigmatism I just couldn't see my very best with glasses. My eye doc said that was because they were not directly 'on' my eye. I have heard of others with this problem or some see better in glasses than contacts and vice versa. No matter what it was it was annoying!
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Myself with glasses! |
Time to see the doc!
In February 2012, I went to my first 'free' consultation. I was so excited. I signed up on line and asked for all the info plus a free DVD. I did all my reading, research, you-tubing and so on. I felt pretty prepared on what to expect and that I shouldn't be a problem especially since my 'favorite' eye doc said I should have no problems being a Lasik candidate.
There I am in my glasses (grrrrrr) on a bright Monday morning @ 8am. (They wanted me to wear glasses over the weekend to get the best results)
Anyways, I am so excited! I couldn't wait for them to call my name and when they did I had a huge smile on my face! Yeah! This really nice med tech takes me into a small, dark room. She asks me some questions on why I wanted Lasik and how it would help my every day life.
Well, let me count the ways:
1. No more red eyes.
2. I could do water activities.
3. ATVing.
4. No more particles under my contacts.
5. Save money on eye costs yearly.
I went on and on! She was so happy for me! She told me she had to do 2 tests. She did them but didn't seem quite to happy to see the results. I asked her what was wrong and she said she couldn't confirm with out talking to the doctor but she was pretty sure I was NOT a candidate due to my corneas being too thin.
Really?! Seriously!? This can't be happening to me.
She leaves the room to see the doc. I had tons of questions going on in my head that I wanted to ask the doctor. I am sitting there in a dark little room freaking out!
Finally, she comes back...where is the doctor??? She said he couldn't see me but told her to tell me 'Sorry, I am not a candidate.' How can they determine that in just 20 minutes of seeing me?
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Bummed... |
Not giving up just yet...
Okay, so the first visit didn't go well but I was not down and out yet. I did more research and found PRK. I also found out that Black Hills Regional Eye Institute (BHREI) did this very procedure. Why not get a second opinion?
That is what I did. I scheduled my 'free' consultation and again @ 8am was waiting in a beautiful waiting room. It was all so clean, beautiful and very comfy! Plus, come to realize I knew one of the employees so that was helpful on settling my nerves. A wonderful gal named Jenna called me back to the examination room and we did test after test. We came to realize that my tests were coming out funny due to my hard contacts being in my eyes.
That was no problem for them though. We just 'popped' them out and re-did the testing. After we did the test, we went in to her office and did more testing for vision and health of the eyes. Once she had the results, she too said that my corneas were too thin BUT I would be perfect for PRK (photorefractive keratectomy).
At this point, Jenna told me to hang tight and watch this video on PRK while she talked to Dr. Schirber. I watched the video and it was very informative.
Once I was done with the video, Dr. Schirber actually came to see me! I actually got to see the doctor personally. He went over all my results and did his own testing. He agreed about my corneas but said I was perfect for PRK! Yeah! He asked if I had any questions and I did. He answered all of them and I felt very comfortable with this decision.
We signed me up! He said I had to be out of my hard contacts for at least 5 weeks since it reshapes my eye. I told him about my being uncomfortable in glasses and totally understood. He gave free soft contacts to wear for the next five weeks. However, after the five weeks I must wear my glasses for two weeks. At this point I was so excited that I was told 'yes' this time that I didn't care!
Jenna went over all the paperwork, medications and the doctor who would be doing my surgery. Dr. Spencer would be doing the actually PRK procedure.
They were so thorough!! Before I left, I had all my dates scheduled for Pre-Op, PRK Surgery, Post-Op. I was there for 2 hours not 20 minutes! I felt very comfortable with the entire staff and facility. Quite impressed honestly! Yeah for PRK!
Pre-Op Day...
Five weeks flew and a week with glasses some how went by too. Though I still had one more week with glasses before my surgery.
Medications to start taking 1 week before surgery: (Follow your doctors directions not mine)
1. Vitamin C 2x/day
2. Omega3 2-4grams
It was time for my Pre-Op appointment where they would dilate my eyes just to make sure I was ready. My husband Kevin came with me that day and it was a very knowledgeable visit. We did ALL the tests again with Jenna. Once the results were in, then we seen Dr. Schirber again for the heavy dilation. (I was warned that I would be dilated for 24 to 48 hours and I was for the full 48).
Dr. Schirber was happy about the results of my eyes and said I was officially a 'go!' Just keep wearing my glasses and all should be good.
After that visit, Jenna took us up to the second floor to give us a tour of where the surgery would take place. First stop was this cozy little room with a massage chair, soft music and dim lights. This is where I would get to relax with my Valium before the procedure. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, there is more....they serve fresh cookies too. Yum.
Next stop was the actual surgery room. There was a bank of windows with chairs. Kevin gets to watch the entire procedure on a big TV! I was so jealous! Jenna then told me they can make me a DVD of my surgery too. I was all about that! I will post the video later down in the blog.
As we left two hours later again both of us were quite happy and excited!
Medications to start taking 3 days before surgery:
NOTE: (Follow your doctors directions not mine)
1. Vitamin C 2x/day
2. Omega3 2-4grams
3. Acuvail 2drops daily
Medications to start taking 1 day before surgery:
NOTE: (Follow your doctors directions not mine)
1. Vitamin C 2x/day
2. Omega3 2-4grams
3. Acuvail 2 drops daily
4. Zymaxid 4 drops daily
(Thursday, 3 May 2012)
I arrived at BHREI beaming from ear to ear at exactly noon. Okay, maybe a little early. Kevin was there to support me and get me home. He too was excited for me. Big day! My life was about to change!
I checked in with my wonderful neighbor I new, Laurie, to give her all my signed docs and of coarse my money order for the procedure. Once done, we made small talk about the weather and neighbors while I waited for Jenna or whomever was suppose to grab me.
A wonderful nurse named Donna snatched me up at noon where she went over all my paperwork again just to make sure I was comfortable. (Kevin was with me too. They never excluded him. He was always invited to follow me. I really liked that!)
Donna then gave me my Valium to take so it would start working in my system. Lastly, she went over my take home 'eye purse'.. that is what I called it. Sleeping googles, sunglasses, prescription for Vicodin, eye refresher drops, and coupons. She made sure we got the other drops filled as well which we did a week ago. That was it! We were ready!
Donna took us up stairs. Sat me in the comfy, vibrating chair and I massaged away. The cookies were baking and they smelled awesome! It was so nice to relax in the dim room letting that Vicodin kick in. Ahhhh. Soon the cookies came and we snatched them up like kids!
Ten minutes later, Dr. Spencer came in to introduce himself and ask if I had any questions. At that point, I was ready to go! Kevin sat in his chair by the bank of windows with the TV and I went in to the cool, dimly lit surgery room. They took me over to the lounge chair where I would lay during the procedure. They propped up my legs with a pillow. They talked to me constantly and explained everything they did to a 'T.'
I was handed a stuffed polar bear to hang on to which in a weird way made me feel better since I didn't know what to do with my hands. A nice touch I might add. Dr. Spencer talked to me step-by-step too.
I will add the video of my surgery to show you what was exactly done. I thought it was some trippy twilight zone movie. I was completely fascinated. Even when the laser started, which is really loud, I thought it was totally cool! I could smell my eye burning from the laser which is normal if you smell it too. Some smell it and some don't. 50/50 chance. The total time it took to do both eyes was just a smidgen over 15 minutes. Done!
When I was done they sat me up slowly and oh my gosh!....I could SEE! Everything! The clock, faces, the equipment...It was a miracle...the best present EVER!
Jenna walked me out and gave me sunglasses to put on. Reminded me about my appointment in the morning at 8am and that was it. Just get rest. Lots of rest. I can do that!
Kevin told me on the way home that he thought he was way more nervous than me while watching. He was totally happy to have seen it and not only that Dr. Schirber was there with him explaining each and every step of the procedure. BHREI is top-notch and care!
I was NOT tired but I decided to lie down anyways. I made our bedroom totally dark and turned on Netflix. I put in my drops especially a heavy dose of liquigel Refresh drops that was given to me in my 'eye purse.' I placed my night time goggles on. Popped my Vicodin and Motrin and laid down on the bed to watch some TV. Kevin watched a movie while I kept my eyes closed. The dark was soothing and my medicine was kicking in. I was really quite comfy! And yes, just in case you were wondering, the TV was totally clear not blurry. Awesome!
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Night Time Goggles |
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Liquigel |
I stayed that way for a couple hours. Then I was hungry! We both got up and made dinner. I felt really good. Not really in any pain. I kept my goggles on during dinner. It felt good. It kept the moisture inside and my eyes didn't dry out.
Dinner was done. Took all my eyedrops: Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic (Steroid), Vigamox, Acuvail and Refresh Liquigel. Pajamas one, lights off, goggles on. Slept like a baby with no pain.
The nice thing too was that BHREI, Dr. Schirber, called that evening too. He wanted to make sure I was doing okay. They are a wonderful bunch of people!
Medications to start taking after surgery:
NOTE: (Follow your doctors directions not mine)
1. Vitamin C 2x/day
2. Omega3 2-4grams
3. Acuvail 2 drops daily (or generic if approved)
4. Zymaxid 4 drops daily (or generic if approved)
5. Pred Forte 4 drops daily starting after surgery (or generic if approved)
6. Vicodin
7. Motrin
Day #1 after Surgery...
(Friday, 4 May 2012)
I slowly woke up. I slowly opened my eyes. They were a little crusty from the liquidgel but they felt great! Plus, I could see!! WOW! The first morning I will always remember. I could see!
I got up and got ready with out a hitch. My Post-Op appointment was at 8am with Dr. Schirber. Took some drops and more liquigel and we were off with coffee in hand!
Got into the 4Runner and pulled out of the garage then BAM! Bright light, bright light, bright light! I felt like Gizmo from the Gremlins!
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Bright Light! |
Dr. Schirber took Kevin and I into his office to do tests. All looked very good. He was amazed at my healing progress already. Kevin told him I had an incredible outlook and was remaining very positive. Dr. Schirber said that helps and that women also I are more use to having things on or by their eyes (i.e. make-up). It all helped.
He then tested my vision and for that day I was 20/20! Can you believe it!? Yeah me!
We left feeling happy and hopeful! I could see!
Now, all might seem fine now but my eyes still needed to heal. Dr. Schirber warned me that I could still have some rocky days ahead. PRK takes longer to heal than Lasik so we must be patient. I am. I still am.
For the remainder of Day #1 I rested and used my goggles. I did all my drops. Stayed home and watched some movies. Good first day.
Day #2 after Surgery...
(Saturday, 5 May 2012)
I woke up and I felt pretty good. My eyes were a little itchy but the liquigel drops helped me. I also, in my opinion very important, kept up with my Vicodin and Motrin. I feel like I have a strong pain threshold but I was not going to be a hero this time. Don't be. Why be miserable? Take your meds they give you....they give them to you for a reason.
So I took all my medicine. Rested all day. Felt a little itchy. My vision was a little blurry not as good as yesterday but still fine. Overall, it was a good day.
Day #3 after Surgery...
(Sunday, 6 May 2012)
Eeeeck. The day they were talking about arrived. My not so fun day. I woke up to pain even with meds. My eyes were scratchy and hurt. Things were 'foggy.'
Darn, but I remained positive. This too shall pass...
It was early morning so I laid in bed. I took some drops and gooped up my eyes with liquigel and placed my sleeping goggles back on. Soon it was med time. Yeah! I took my meds and laid some more in bed just resting. Slowly the scratchy pain disappeared but not the 'fog.'
Well, I can deal with fog since the pain was gone. I got up and dressed. Went in to town with Kevin. He drove of coarse. I was so not ready for that yet. Total 'fog.' It is like a haze. Like something is on your contact lens. Weird like but no pain. You want to rub but you know you can't.
My pain never came back though. That was actually the last time I had any burning, scratchy feelings.
I went to bed positive for a brighter out come for Day #4.
Day #4 after Surgery...
(Monday, 7 May 2012)
Kevin went back to work this day but I didn't yet. I wanted one more day home just to rest. I slept and rested for a long time. The fog went away but my vision was a little blurry. I was able to function just fine tough. It was just not totally clear. No more pain though. No scratchiness. No itchiness, just blurry.
I took my drops and just rested. Praying for my first day at work to go okay. Please, please, please! I work with computers all day long so I was praying for the best!
Day #5 after Surgery...
(Tuesday, 8 May 2012)
My first day back at work. Woke up feeling great. No pain. No scratchiness. No itchiness. Just a little blurry.
Got to work and turned on my computer. Oh, crap. I can't read anything without being two inches from the screen. Oh, boy...this is going to be a fun day!
I had an 8am appointment with Dr. Schirber to take out my protective lenses so I will ask him about this vision impairment when I go. It couldn't be soon enough!
Kevin and I went to my appointment. All looked well. My epithelium had grown back together so the protective lenses were coming out. He numbed my eyes with some drops and pulled them right out. I could feel that they layer of skin was rough. Dr. Schirber said that was totally normal. He tested my eyes and I was 20/25. Not bad. I couldn't complain but...what about reading close up?
I told him that I couldn't read. He told me to get some readers from a drug store just to get me by...+1.25 should work. This will just help magnify what I needed to read and no I won't become dependent on them. (Thanks for asking the question Kev!).
So, I got my 'cheater readers' and headed back to work. Well, I am sure this will work for some people but they didn't help me at all. Unfortunately. I could still read better without the 'cheater readers.' Oh, well.
I remained positive and put in a 8+ hour work day. It was a little difficult but I knew I had to patient. PRK just takes longer. I just keep thinking positive. Well worth it in the end I am sure!
Day #6 after Surgery...
(Wednesday, 9 May 2012)
Eyes feel great. Still blurry though. However, I don't have to be two inches from my monitor anymore. Yeah! I think things are getting better. Still taking drops. No more Motrin or Vicodin. Overall, feel great. I use my liquigel drops constantly. I like how it makes my eyes feel. Nice and cool.
I still have not drove yet but I can see signs. I am not blind just blurry at times. Little dry too. Sunlight still doesn't bother me. Normal there. I wear my sunglasses every time I go out though. I want to keep my eyes healthy!
(Thursday, 10 May 2012)
Feeling good. Still blurry close up. Better far away. Still taking my drops. Still wearing my goggles at night. I just love them! Still wearing no make-up (my poor fellow co-works!).
The computer screen is still blurry and I have to pay close attention to spelling. Speaking of...if something is spelled goofy I sure apologize now for that! Hopefully, you will see an improvement real soon!
Today is my one week anniversary! I am still extremely happy and glad I did it! Keep positive!
From this day forward I will give you updates on how I am progressing. I will let you know my ups and downs. I just really wanted to share my experience with others. It can be a very scary decision and ultimately change your life forever! If you have any questions blog me or you can email me privately at
I am here for you! I read some blogs when I made my decision and they sure helped! I hope I can pay that forward! Thank you and have a great day! Talk to you tomorrow!
Day #8 after Surgery...
(Friday, 11 May 2012)
Today I drove for the first time and I felt okay doing it. Then I got to work and my eyes got really dry. With them being dry they are more blurry. I am really using my liquigel alot! Thank goodness for that stuff!
Okay, trying the 'cheater readers' again. Helping today. I guess it depends on the day. Hmmm...good to know!
Day #9 & 10 after Surgery...
(Saturday & Sunday, 12-13 May 2012)
The weekend went great! Very good vision. I am finding out that when I get to sleep more my vision is definitely better. I am liking the weekends!
We went morel mushroom hunting and that strained my eyes so I got tired really fast. Took a lil' snooze and they felt much better. Just need to rest.
Day #12 after Surgery...
(Monday, 14 May 2012)
Doing okay. The more sleep really helps. It is still hard to read close up. Far away vision is still pretty good.
Day #13 after Surgery...
(Tuesday, 15 May 2012)
Doing great! I can read close up today! How exciting is that?! My far away distance is good too. Great day!
Day #14 after Surgery...
(Wednesday, 16 May 2012)
Doing great! I can read close up today too! What a new experience for me! My far away distance is good too. Fabulous!!
Day #15 after Surgery...
(Thursday, 17 May 2012)
Little blurry far away and close up this morning but nothing that is bothering me too badly. I can still function and read my emails. I am still extremely happy with the results. I actually had a thought yesterday...I can see my eyes! Not have contacts on them or see them through glasses...I can see MY eyes! Neat feeling!
Day #16 after Surgery...
(Friday, 18 May 2012)
Little blurry close up this morning but nothing that is bothering. I can still function and read my emails. Every day is a great day!
Day #19 after Surgery...
(Monday, 21 May 2012)
Doing good! Little blurry off and on. I have my good days and kind of bad days. Overall it doesn't really bother me. I know it will get better!
Day #20 after Surgery...
(Tuesday, 22 May 2012)
Just okay today. Kind of blurry to read and see for away. BUT....I have noticed if I don't sleep good or not enough it really effects my vision for the next day. I didn't sleep good and I took my goggles off while I was sleeping too. Without the goggles my eyes get dried out as well while I am sleeping. So...bottom line...need good sleep and goggles.
Day #22 after Surgery...
(Thursday, 24 May 2012)
Went and seen the doc. I am sitting at 20/25...almost 20/20...All great news. My eyes were a little dry...he said lubricate, lubricate, lubricate. I am trying..that is for sure! I will see him in 6 weeks now. I will keep you posted if anything changes!
Over a YEAR!
(Wednesday, 5 June 2013)
Hi! I am back! Been over a year! All is going so well! Had my one year appointment in vision is better than 20/20! I am 15/20! It is so amazing! Worth is totally! Find a good doc and do it! You won't regret least I don't! I am loving life!